Zaštitni znak ANACONDA
Blanking Plugs

Blanking Plugs

Black PVC or Black TPR. Ideal for metal panels. Acid-resistant. Withstand temperatures between -40°C and +135°C.

Narudžbenica brojmaterijalparametriKomada u pakovanjucijena/pakovanje/komcijena/Ikom)
10860PVC9,39,34,71,64,610000 kom0,48 HRK2,2 HRK
10825PVC9,59,56,41,6510000 kom0,33 HRK0,54 HRK
10832PVC14,510,680,8410000 kom0,6 HRK1 HRK
10233PVC14,510,681,64,510000 kom0,54 HRK2,2 HRK
10488PVC1512,491,66,610000 kom0,54 HRK2,2 HRK
10912PVC17,712,811,21,66,210000 kom0,6 HRK2,2 HRK
10768PVC1715,511,51,675000 kom2,2 HRK1,3 HRK
15511PVC17,515,911,91,27,110000 kom0,93 HRK2,2 HRK
10502PVC18,715,512,71,65,65000 kom0,93 HRK2,2 HRK
11321PVC2018,414,91,3710000 kom2,2 HRK1,1 HRK
10213PVC221915,51,67,55000 kom0,93 HRK1,6 HRK
40043*PVC191915,91,67,110000 kom2,2 HRK3,6 HRK
12914PVC2018,516,31,375000 kom0,9 HRK1,7 HRK
10678PVC2521,5191,66,55000 kom1,2 HRK2 HRK
10499PVC2521,5201,66,55000 kom1,2 HRK2 HRK
11152PVC28,526,6222,48,23000 kom2,2 HRK3 HRK
10902PVC28,52722,522,51,63000 kom2,2 HRK3 HRK
11027PVC3027,524,52,48,72000 kom2 HRK2,7 HRK
10705PVC3228,325,41,693000 kom2,2 HRK3 HRK
11148PVC3228,325,42,493000 kom1,7 HRK2,9 HRK
11281PVC38,235,4323,17,152000 kom2,9 HRK4,6 HRK
11239PVC38,231,531,50,872000 kom2,9 HRK4,6 HRK
11059PVC38,235,431,51,67,52000 kom2,9 HRK4,6 HRK
10877PVC43,74338,21,68,21500 kom3 HRK4,9 HRK
10320PVC57,552,651,51,612,4500 kom1,6 HRK2,5 HRK
15150TPR9,39,34,71,64,610000 kom0,6 HRK2,2 HRK
15151TPR9,59,56,41,6510000 kom0,36 HRK0,6 HRK
15155TPR17,712,811,21,66,210000 kom0,9 HRK1,4 HRK
15157TPR18,715,512,71,65,65000 kom1 HRK2 HRK
15158TPR2018,414,91,3710000 kom0,9 HRK1,7 HRK
15159TPR221915,51,67,55000 kom1,3 HRK2,2 HRK
15160TPR2521,5191,66,55000 kom1,7 HRK2,8 HRK
15161TPR2521,5201,66,55000 kom1,7 HRK2,8 HRK
15162TPR28,526,6222,48,23000 kom2,2 HRK3,5 HRK
15164TPR3027,524,52,48,72000 kom3,2 HRK5,3 HRK
15166TPR3228,325,41,693000 kom2 HRK3,2 HRK
15165TPR3228,325,42,493000 kom2,9 HRK4,7 HRK
15170TPR38,235,4323,17,152000 kom4,4 HRK7,1 HRK
15168TPR38,235,431,51,67,52000 kom3,8 HRK6,3 HRK
15171TPR43,74338,21,68,21500 kom2,7 HRK4,5 HRK
15172TPR57,552,651,51,612,4500 kom7,2 HRK12 HRK

* Solid style, no recess on blind side.

Cijene su bez PDV-a i vrijede prilikom plaćanja pouzećem.

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